
Salvini rebuffs Mattarella 'absolutism' warning

Italy has opposite problem, dictatorship of minority-League head

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 4 - Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and rightwing League party leader Matteo Salvini on Thursday rebuffed a warning from President Sergio Mattarella on the "absolutism of the majority" saying that if anything the problem was the opposite, an alleged dictatorship o the minority.
    "Absolutism? We are in a democracy, the people vote, the people win. I don't do philosophy, I do politics. If anything, here there is the problem of the dictatorship of minorities, not the opposite," said Salvini, rejecting Mattarella's warning about the risks of "absolutism of the majority" and "powers without limits".
    Salvini went on: "In Italy as in France whoever takes votes governs, in respect of the rules, of democracy, of minorities.
    "I think this is a call that can be made to others, not to the Italian situation. Here, indeed, there is the minority that often acts as the majority". (ANSA).

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