
Pope to travel over 33,000 km in Asia, Oceania trip

Visit to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Singapore

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 5 - Pope Francis will fly over 32,000 kilometres during his Apostolic Journey to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-leste and Singapore in September, which the Vatican released the itinerary of on Friday.
    Furthermore, he will spend 44 hours flying during the September 2-13 trip.
    The tally for the kilometres the pope will travel does not include the journeys he will make on road within the four countries.
    "Departing from Rome on 2 September, Pope Francis will first make his way to Indonsesia, landing in the capital, Jakarta," the Vatican said about Francis's 45th Apostolic Journey.
    "Then, on 6 September, he will travel to Port Moresby to greet the faithful of the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea, where he will remain until 9 September.
    "From there he will fly to Dili, the capital city of Timore Leste.
    "Then, from Dili, Pope Francis will travel to Singapore for the final leg of his journey, from 11 to 13 of September, on which day he will return home, back to Rome". (ANSA).

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