
Victorious Starmer is modern-day Blair - Tajani

We want to continue to work well with UK says foreign minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 5 - Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer is a modern-day Tony Blair, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said after Labour won Thursday's general election in the UK with a landslide.
    "The United Kingdom is a great ally of Italy's and part of the G7," Tajani, the leader of the centre-right Forza Italia party, told Mediaset television on Friday.
    "We want to continue to work well with Britain, it is one of our partners, it is a country that has very good relations with the United States and I believe that the winner of this election is a sort of Tony Blair of 2024/25.
    "A moderate has won, because when (Jeremy) Corbyn, who was on the extreme left wing of Labour, was leader, Labour were swept away by the Conservatives.
    "The citizens want seriousness, stability, they don't want scandals, they don't want internal quarrels within parties.
    "This is true everywhere.
    "The figure who is most reassuring wins, the one who is calmest wins - those who are determined but don't scare their electorate win.
    "I believe that this was the recipe of the Labour Party, who won this election as expected". (ANSA).

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