
I'm a patriot too, but pro-EU one says Tajani

Answers question on Orban's Patriots for Europe

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 8 - Foreign Minister and centre-right Forza Italia (FI) leader Antonio Tajani answered a question on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Organ's new Patriots for Europe group saying that he too was a patriot, but a pro-EU one.
    "When I hear patriots, what do you mean patriots? I am also a patriot, yet I am also pro-EU, it is my civilisation and identity. Precisely because I am an Italian patriot, I am also a European patriot," said the former European Parliament chief, who is also deputy premier.
    Orban's group of nationalist parties has burgeoned and is now the third largest in the EP. (ANSA).

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