
Mattei Plan: agreement for agri-food centre in Mozambique

Regional hub set up western province of Manica

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 8 - Italian and Mozambique officials on Monday signed an accord in Maputo setting up a major new agri-food centre in the African country as part of Italy's Mattei Plan for Africa.
    An agreement was inked worth 38 million euro for the construction and equipping of the Manica Agrifood Centre (CAAM), said the office of Premier Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi.
    "The initiative, recognised as one of the strategic projects for the implementation of the Mattei Plan in the African continent, aims to develop and equip an agrifood centre in the western Mozambican province of Manica, which will play the role of a regional hub for the processing and distribution of agricultural products.," Chigi said.
    The deal came two days after Italy on Saturday sealed a regenerative agriculture deal with Algeria as part of its ambitious Mattei Plan, which seeks to create a new partnership with African countries to address the root causes of irregular migration and turn Italy into a sort of hub for energy supplies in Europe. (ANSA).

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