
Moscow shows lack of will for peace says Crosetto

Violent attack, actions speak louder than words says defence min

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 8 - Moscow has again shown a lack of a will for peace with its missile strike on a Kyiv children's hospital that killed several people Sunday, Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said Monday.
    "Russia's is a violent and indiscriminate attack devoid of any supposed military logic," he said on X.
    "An act against humanity that I hope everyone will condemn, starting with those who believe in Moscow's phantom 'will to peace.
    "Actions count more than words. In Ukraine as in Palestine, although I have not seen a single pro-Ukrainian demonstration, not a single university mobilised during these very long years of massacres. That is why in these years we have tried to defend Ukraine's sovereignty and help its people to protect themselves." (ANSA).

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