
Italy integral part of NATO says Tajani on Salvini

We have reached 1.6% of GDP on defence says FM at NATO summit

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - Foreign Minister Anotnio Tajani said in replying to a question on League leader Matteo Salvini's assertion that sending more and more weapons to Kyiv just prolongs the war that "we are an integral part of NATO".
    "No one ever said we must leave it. Our commitment is to proceed towards the objective of 2% (of GDP on defence spending), an objective that you can't reach immediately.
    "But you have to take into account also that Italy is the second country that offers women and men in uniform in all NATO's peace missions and that we have reached 1.6%.
    "We intend to proceed, NATO is a fundamental point for our foreign policy, as is our presence in the European Union".

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