
Orban in Moscow risks weakening EU-NATO unity says Tajani

He represents Hungary not EU says Italy FM at NATO summit

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Organ's 'peace' trips to Moscow risk weakening EU-NATO unity, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Wednesday.
    "Orban represents Hungary when he takes these trips without a mandate from the European Union, he does not represent the EU," he told the Italian press on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington.
    "As Hungarian prime minister he is free to take the trips he deems opportune to take, but paying attention also not to weaken the unity, which represents the strong point of the West, of Europe and NATO".
    Orban, whose country is now the duty president of the EU, has travelled on his 'peace' missions to Mosco, Kyiv and Beijing.

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