
Deans alarmed by planned 500 mn cuts to universities

CRUI says slashed budget would be 'unsustainable'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 18 - The conference of Italian university deans CRUI sounded the alarm on Thursday saying college funding could be cut by over 500 million euros under a planned ministerial decree.
    The deans said even covering personnel expenses could become unsustainable under possible cuts to the FFO fund for universities.
    CRUI representatives on Thursday had originally planned to meet with University Minister Anna Maria Bernini to suggest talks with her ministry as well as the economy ministry over changes to the decree, including to discuss an "excess of limitations" on the autonomy of universities.
    The meeting, however, was cancelled.
    Overall, the deans said in a long document, funding would be slashed by some 173 million euros compared to last year.
    Meanwhile university ministry sources on Thursday said the deans had mounted a "specious controversy" while the fund was still under discussion "publicizing unfounded and alarmist figures over alleged cuts to universities". (ANSA).

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