
Six officials probed over Cutro-shipwreck-rescue delay

Disaster in February 2023 claimed at least 94 lives

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 23 - Prosecutors in Crotone on Tuesday served notification to six officials that they have concluded an investigation into allegedly negligent delays in the rescue effort regarding the shipwreck of the Summer Love boat off the Calabrian town of Cutro on February 26, 2023.
    The disaster claimed the lives of at least 94 migrants and refugees, including 35 children, who perished when their boat broke apart on rocks in rough seas just off the coast after five days' sailing from Turkey.
    Italian investigators often serve notification to suspects that they have concluded a probe before making indictment requests.
    The case regards alleged delays by the coast guard and finance police in going out to sea to rescue the boat despite alleged evidence that it was in distress.
    The officials under investigation are four finance police officers and two coast guards.
    Eighty people survived the disaster. (ANSA).

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