
Fifth CasaPound militant identified over journalist's attack

33-year-old suspected of involvement in Andrea Joly's beating

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 26 - A fifth CasaPound activist on Friday was identified by police as a suspected participant in the attack on La Stampa journalist Andrea Joly outside a Turin pub frequented by far-right militants last Saturday.
    Turin flying squad officials early on Friday searched the home in the nearby town of Chivasso of the 33-year-old man, who doesn't have a police record.
    Investigators coordinated by prosecutor Paolo Scafi believe the man could have attacked Joly outside the Asso di Bastoni club frequented by CasaPound militants.
    So far, five people have been identified by police in connection with the attack, which took place as Joly was documenting the celebration of the 16th anniversary of the CasaPound club.
    The five suspects are accused of causing bodily harm, aggravated by futile motives, by the number of people who committed the attack and by acting to commit private violence, investigative sources said. (ANSA).

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