
Clear with China - stop supporting Russia says PM

It can play a key role for peace says Meloni

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 30 - Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni told reporters on Tuesday that during her meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping the previous day "we surely were quite clear in discussing the issue" of China's support for Russia, "trying to reason together on the nature of everyone's interests".
    "I think that China during this phase has no interest in supporting Russian industrial capacity, even though as we know it doesn't intervene directly - it is evident that this creates friction because we have written this in every possible and imaginable way and we have stressed it and I hope it will become clear that this nation can really play a key role", Meloni said.
    She noted that President Xi said on Monday that "China always works for peaceful cohabitation between populations - now I would like for steps to be taken in this direction". (ANSA).

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