
Italians investing in crypto doubled in two years - Consob

From 8 to 18% between 2022 and 2024

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 30 - The percentage of Italians who have cryptocurrencies in their investment portfolios has more than doubled between 2022 and 2024, from 8 to 18%, according to a report released Tuesday by Italian stock-market regulator Consob.
    Those who make sustainable investments have also risen from 11 to 20% over the same period, according to Consob's report on the investment choices of Italian households.
    The regulator moreover noted that young investors and women prefer social media to search useful information on which their investment choices are based.
    In the financial field, social networks are in fact the primary source of information for roughly one in two investors between the ages of 18 and 34 (58%) and for 42% of women. (ANSA).

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