(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 3 - The head of the ER at the hospital of
the Sicilian city of Patti, near Messina, has been removed from
his post after a patient with a broken fibula said a doctor used
cardboard to block his foot because no splints were available to
treat fractures.
The local health authority of Messina said Saturday that it sent
inspectors to verify the situation at the hospital and suspended
the head of the Emergency Room.
Disciplinary measures will also be taken against the hospital's
director over the lack of essential material to treat patients,
local health authorities added.
"Verifications will continue" said Sicily Governor Renato
Schifani, speaking about the case.
Elia Natoli, 30, had gone to the hospital last week after a
motorcycle accident.
Natoli's father wrote on Facebook that, after his son was
diagnosed with a broken fibula at the Patti hospital, "a doctor
went to look for splints", a medical device used to immobilize
broken bones, "but found out there weren't any left".
"At that point, since he didn't know what to do, the doctor used
cardboard to immobilize my foot", Natoli said.
The patient eventually went to a private clinic in Messina for
treatment, which "cost 200 euros", he said. (ANSA).
ER chief removed after cardboard used for fractured foot
No medical devices to immobilize broken bones at Patti hospital