(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 6 - The upcoming weekend will likely be
the hottest this year with temperatures nearing 40°C in the
North and 43°C in the South, weather forecasts said Tuesday.
"Temperatures will rise by a few degrees until Sunday,
determining, most probably, the hottest weekend of 2024",
explained Lorenzo Tredici, a meteorologist at iLMeteo.
In particular, between Saturday and Sunday, August 10-11,
temperatures will climb to 39-40°C including in northern and
central Italy, in particular in the Emilia Romagna region, while
in the South temperatures will reach 42-43°C, like in Libya and
Tunisia, said Tredici. (ANSA).
Next weekend will be Italy's hottest this year say forecasts
Up to 43°C in South - iLMeteo.it