
'Cabinet has one position on Ukraine' says League

'Majority coalition united on foreign policy'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 1 - The ruling majority coalition is united on foreign policy, a statement issued by the League party said on Sunday after the party led by Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini released a different version of a joint statement issued by centre-right leaders following a summit Friday stating "support for Kyiv but opposition to any hypothesis of military interventions outside Ukrainian borders", sparking a controversy.
    The version was minimized by allies who stated it was caused by an error in communication, with Brothers of Italy (FdI) saying the statement issued by mistake was the draft originally proposed by the League which was replaced in the final joint statement by a more generic formula referring to a shared stance on the "crisis in the Middle East and on the position of the Italian government concerning the war in Ukraine".
    The League's statement on Sunday said: "On foreign policy, the majority is united, as already officially clarified after the centre-right summit, and there will be no parliamentary initiatives against the trend, as wished today by a few left-wing media outlets, which we firmly deny.
    "On Ukraine, the government has one position, also stressed over the past few days", concluded the note.
    The cancelled detail in the League's statement referred to Kyiv's "military interventions" and not to the use of weapons provided by Italy, which the Italian cabinet has said must be limited within Ukraine's borders. (ANSA).

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