
League requests to 'suspend citizenship for grave crimes'

Proposal over applications on Lower House agenda Tuesday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 1 - A proposal to suspend Italian citizenship applications for foreigners accused of grave crimes has been included by the League party in the agenda of the Lower House's debate on a security bill scheduled next Tuesday, the lawmaker who drafted the proposal, Laura Cavandoli, told ANSA on Sunday.
    The League's MP said "the idea is to retrieve an amendment presented to the bill which was subsequently withdrawn.
    "The text provided for the preclusion of the acquisition of citizenship in case of conviction for grave crimes, as well as the suspension of the procedure to acquire it during a criminal trial until a final sentence" has been issued "for those who are accused of grave crimes against the State or a person", said Cavandoli. (ANSA).

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