
Paris: Perini says he didn't use phone

Jury disqualified athlete over cell use

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 1 - Giacomo Perini, who was disqualified on Sunday after winning a bronze medal in the PR1 men's single sculls at the Paralympics for allegedly using his cell phone, said he had forgotten it in a bag on the boat and never used it.
    "The phone wasn't used, they just need to check", he told RaiSport.
    He said he had last used it to send messages before training and to speak to his psychologist the night before the competition.
    The jury disqualified the 28-year-old saying he was caught "using communication devices".
    The first appeal presented by the Italian Rowing Federation was rejected.
    The federation said it is now preparing to file a second appeal with Perini's phone logs to prove he didn't use his cell while on the racing boat. (ANSA).

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