
'Allegations of Arianna Meloni plot very grave' - ANM

'Claims led to a series of statements against magistrates'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 2 - The head of the National Association of Magistrates (ANM), the judiciary's union, Giuseppe Santalucia, on Monday said allegations of a "plot, a subversive action by magistrates" are extremely grave, commenting reports that Premier Giorgia Meloni's sister Arianna, who is also head of the secretariat of her sister's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, was the subject of unknown probes possibly linked to her involvement in key appointments.
    "There is talk of a plot, or a subversive action by magistrates and this is very grave", Santalucia told Sky Tg24.
    "We are getting used to the fact that political power states that an obscure hypothesis" that has not been proven about probes on Arianna Meloni "is plausible", leading to a "series of statements against magistrates", he added.
    Last month, Premier Meloni said she considered "very plausible" an editorial published by Milan daily Il Giornale claiming that media hostile to the government, the left and some prosecutors were allegedly scheming against her sister.
    The editorial penned by il Giornale's editor Alessandro Sallusti - whose headline read: "They want to investigate Arianna Meloni" - cited, among others, media reports on Arianna Meloni's alleged involvement in key public-sector appointments.

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