
Alleged Verzeni killer says kept knife as souvenir

Didn't throw it into river in order to have memory of what I did

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 2 - Sharon Verzeni's alleged killer Moussa Sangare said Monday he decided to keep the knife he allegedly killed her with at the end of July as a souvenir.
    Sangare, 31, born in Milan to Malian parents, said that after allegedly stabbing 33-year-old barista Verzeni to death on the night of July 29-30, told a preliminary investigations judge (GIP) "I didn't throw it in the river because I thought I might still find it there. I wanted to keep it as a memory of what I had done." Unlike the other objects thrown together with his clothes into the River Adda, he buried the alleged murder weapon near the embankment.
    When the judge asked him if he wanted to keep it as a 'souvenir' he replied: 'yes'. (ANSA).

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