
Judge validates arrest of alleged Verzeni killer

On murder charge, aggravated by premeditation, futile motives

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 2 - A preliminary investigations judge (GIP) in Bergamo, Raffaella Mascarino on Monday validated the arrest of Moussa Sangare, 31, the man who confessed to allegedly murdering Sharon Verzeni on the night of 29-30 July, ruling in favour of a request filed by the State attorney's office.
    Sangare faces murder charges aggravated by premeditation and futile motives.
    The judge considered the requirements for pre-trial detention valid.
    Prosecutors had requested his detention on the grounds that he could reiterate the crime, tamper with evidence or flee.
    Meanwhile on Monday Carabinieri investigators and forensic unit RIS officers searched Sangare's home in Suisio, near the town of Terno d'Isola where Verzeni was murdered.
    Sangare told GIP Raffaella Mascarino on Monday that he "did not have a motive" for the murder.
    "I don't know why I did it", said Sangare, who is assisted by defence lawyer Giacomo May.
    The 31-year-old, who confessed to the murder after being arrested by Carabinieri police on Friday, said he left home wanting to "hurt someone".
    He also said he had practiced on a knife-throwing target over the previous days.
    Before allegedly killing Verzeni, he threatened two teens, according to his account.
    Sangare, who was born in Milan to parents from the Ivory Coast, had a police record for domestic abuse against his mother and sister. (ANSA).

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