
ANPI withdraws from anti-Casapound event over 'intimidation'

Partisan association complains of 'serious threats'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 3 - Italian Partisans Association ANPI said Tuesday that it has pulled out of an event in Grosetto on Sunday called to protest against the far-right group Casapound holding a three-day festival in the Tuscan city due to "major intimidation" via anonymous letters.
    ANPI's Secretary for the province of Grosseto added that the letters contained "serious threats and warnings" to Andrea Joly, a reported for daily newspaper La Stampa who was beaten up outside a club frequented by Casapount militants in July in Turin.
    Four people have been placed under house arrest over the attack on Joly. (ANSA).

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