(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 3 - The president of the National Chamber
of Italian Fashion , Carlo Capasa, on Tuesday said the
organization behind Milan Fashion Week has sent an injunction to
influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia, the woman at the centre of a
row over her alleged role as the culture minister's advisor,
warning her she can't describe herself on social media as
"Fashion Week Milano Moda president".
"We have sent an injunction because the brand Milano Fashion
Week has always belonged to the Chamber of fashion and cannot be
used by anyone else", Capasa said on the sidelines of an event
in Italy's financial and fashion capital.
Capasa said he hopes the description on Boccia's social media
bio will "disappear soon". (ANSA).
Boccia warned against using Milan Fashion Week brand- Capasa
Influencer's bio says she is 'Fashion week Milano Moda chair'