
Fitto to get Economy VP post in new Commission -report

Job would involve overseeing post-pandemic Recovery Fund

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 3 - Italy's nominee to be its member of the new EU executive, European Affairs Minister Raffaele Fitto, is set to be given the key post of Economy Vice President, German daily Die Welt reported on Tuesday.
    The post will put Fitto, a senior figure in Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, in charge of overseeing the EU's post-pandemic Recovery Fund, according to the report.
    In his current position, Fitto is in charge of Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNNR), which seeks to make the Italian economy Greener and more modern with the help of around 190 billion euros in grants and low-interest loans from the Recovery Fund.
    If the report is confirmed, it will vindicate Meloni's assertion that Italy will have a important post in the new EU executive despite FdI MEPs voting against European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen getting a second term at the helm of the EU executive after June's EU elections. (ANSA).

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