
New arrest for alleged Tajik ISIS militant

Man apprehended in April 'recycled luxe cars, forged documents'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 3 - A new arrest warrant has been issued by judicial authorities for a 32-year-old Tajik citizen who was arrested on April 8 at Rome's Fiumicino airport for allegedly being an active member of ISIS.
    Rome's Digos special security police unit on Monday served the new arrest warrant issued by a preliminary investigations judge (GIP) on the man, who is currently detained in the Umbria prison of Terni, for allegedly recycling stolen luxury cars and owning and fabricating fake passports The 32-year-old is accused of illicitly selling on the Eastern European market luxury vehicles that were stolen or illicitly bought in Italy, investigative sources said.
    The Tajik citizen is awaiting to be extradited to his home country after an international arrest warrant was issued in 2018 by a judge in Rudaki, western Tajikistan, on charges of "mercenary activities" - which carry a sentence of up to 12 years in prison under Tajik criminal law - for allegedly joining the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria in 2014 to fight as a militant.
    After his arrest in April, police found in an electronic device they seized from the man over 19,000 files with images of vehicles under the category "Key Evidence - Vehicles", including several that had been stolen in Italy and abroad, according to an international police databank.
    The man is also accused of travelling to Italy and abroad under a fake identity with a passport issued by Ukrainian authorities, even though his identity had been ascertained through Tajik authorities. (ANSA).

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