
Sangiuliano goes to Palazzo Chigi

Culture minister involved in dispute over alleged advisor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 3 - Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano on Tuesday afternoon arrived at Palazzo Chigi, where Premier Giorgia Meloni had been working since the morning. He left after talks lasting one and a half hours.
    Sangiuliano has been at the centre of a row over claims made by influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia that she was appointed as his advisor for major events, including a G7 culture summit, which have been disputed by the minister.
    Members of the centre-left opposition have asked for Sangiuliano's resignation over the case.
    On Monday night, Meloni intervened saying Sangiuliano had told her Boccia "never had access to any reserved documents, in particular regarding the G7 and that, in particular, not event a euro of Italians and of public money were spent" for her.
    Boccia on Tuesday challenged the claim that she was never appointed as advisor.
    "Are we sure there wasn't an appointment?", Boccia wrote on Instagram.
    She also said she had never paid for anything and that all the trips she had undertaken with the minister "were organized by the head of the minister's office". (ANSA).

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