
Pope says close to Israeli hostage families, no more war

Let peace solutions be found on Gaza says pontiff

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 15 - Pope Francis reiterated Sunday he is close to Israeli hostage families and also reiterated a call for no more war in the Middle East and elsewhere.
    "I think of Hersh Goldberg, found dead at the beginning of September with five other hostages in Gaza," the Argentine pontiff said at his weekly Angelus prayer and blessing.
    "In November last year I met his mother Rachel, who struck me with her humanity.
    "I accompany her at this moment.
    "I pray for the victims and continue to be close to all the families of the hostages.
    "Let the conflict in Palestine and Israel cease, let the violence cease, let the hostages be released, let negotiations continue and let peace solutions be found". (ANSA).

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