
Renew liberals say they 'deplore' Fitto nomination

Greens say Italian won't have easy time in hearing

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - BRUSSELS, SEP 17 - The liberal Renew group on Tuesday expressed dissatisfaction at the decision to nominate Italian European Affairs Minister Raffaele Fitto executive vice president for cohesion and reforms in President Ursula von der Leyen's new European Commission.
    Fitto is a leading member of Premier Giorgia Meloni's right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, which voted against von der Leyen getting a second term at the head of the EU executive.
    "I deplore von der Leyen's political decision to give an executive vice-presidency to Raffaele Fitto," said Renew President Valérie Hayer.
    "We will wait for the (presentation) hearings (in the European Parliament).
    "We will evaluate him on his skills, on his pro-European commitments, on his independence and on his coherence with the July guidelines - there will be maximum vigilance from us.
    "Now is the time to act, we will be constructive but demanding.
    "The pro-EU forces must unite: we must not leave room for populists of the right and left.
    "The implementation of the Green Deal will be a priority for us".
    The Greens also said they would "not give Fitto an easy time" in the European Parliament.
    "The fact that the candidate of a far-right government has been nominated vice-president of the EU Commission remains a great concern for the Green group." Greens Co-president Terry Reintke said.
    "It could create a dangerous shift towards the far right in the Commission and jeopardize the pro-democratic majority".
    However, Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini said he was "certain" that Fitto would "advance Italy's interests with common sense and concreteness" in his new role. (ANSA).

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