
Several important points in Draghi report says Chigi

In depth talks on competitiveness report

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 18 - There are several important points in Mario Draghi's EU competitiveness boosting report, Palazzo Chigi said after Premier Giorgia Meloni met the former premier and ex central banker at her office in Rome Wednesday for an in-depth examination of the report.
    These included, Chigi said, "the need for a greater impetus for innovation, the demographic question, the provision of critical raw materials and the control of value chains and, more generally, the need for Europe to envisage suitable instruments to achieve its ambitious strategies, from the reinforcement of the defence industry to the dual transitions, without excluding anything a priori, including the possibility of new common debt. " Meloni and Draghi shared these priorities which also reflect the work carried out by the government in Italy and in the European institutions," said the note. (ANSA).

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