
Points-based health-and-safety licence coming into force

System will be compulsory at construction sites from October 1

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 21 - The government's new points-based licence system for firms to boost workplace health and safety will come into force at construction sites from October 1 afetr the labour ministry decree bringing it in was published in the official gazette on Saturday.
    The National Labour Inspectorate will publish an explanatory circular on Monday.
    The licence will be issued to firms by the inspectorate following registration with the chamber of commerce on fulfilment of certain conditions, including training obligations and possession of a valid certificate of social security contributions compliance (DURC), a risk assessment document and tax compliance certificate.
    Licence holders will start with 30 points and be allowed to work with a minimum of 15 points. (ANSA).

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