
Salvini comes out against common EU debt proposed by Draghi

Economy Min' Giorgetti has said he is skeptical about hypothesis

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 21 - Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini on Saturday came out against Mario Draghi's proposal in his new report on boosting the EU's competitiveness call for an expansion of Europe's common debt at a party event in Milan.
    On Friday Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, who is also a League member, that he was skeptical about the proposal's chances of ever coming to fruition. "Every time I propose an extension on the deadline on the use of the post-pandemic Recovery Fund at Ecofin, the artillery of the German, Swedish and Finnish ministers starts," Giorgetti told a festival in Parma organized by the Open online newspaper run by young journalists.
    "In these conditions, I'd be quite skeptical about the common European debt". (ANSA).

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