
Cop-turned-nun becomes mother superior

Now put youngsters I arrested on right path says Tosca Ferrante

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 25 - An Italian policewoman turned nun has just become the mother superior of her order, the Apostoline Paoline Sisters.
    Tosca Ferrante, born near Naples 58 years ago, has started helping the young people she once arrested so that they don't end up on the wrong track, she told reporters at a diocesan training event for those looking after young people in Pistoia earlier this week.
    "The passage from a policewoman to a nun wasn't dramatic or sensational, it was simply a part of my life.
    "My first job chimed with my sensibilities, while what I'm living now is a life choice, a vocational response.
    "The work I did in the police and meeting some young people who I arrested allowed me to become what I am today.
    "That work gave me a chance to understand what my vocation was, and I felt God calling me to give over all my life". (ANSA).

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