
Expo 2025:Italy Pavilion to host next Agevity forum end June

Silver Economy and scientific diplomacy central themes in Osaka

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 26 - Ambassador Mario Vattani, Commissioner General for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka, participated in the second day of the Agevity forum dedicated to the challenges and opportunities that the social and economic transformations of increasingly long-lived nations open up: "The Silver Economy and scientific diplomacy - he underlined - will be central themes for the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka. Longevity is a crucial challenge for advanced societies such as Italy and Japan. Italy is in fact the EU country with the highest population ageing index, and in Japan the number of people over 65 has reached the record figure of 36.25 million, equal to 29.3% of the population. With these numbers, longevity is also an opportunity for many of our production sectors. The Italy Pavilion will be a place of discussion to propose models and solutions for the societies of the future, strengthening cooperation with Japan in the pharmaceutical, scientific, technological, home automation and life sciences fields. The next edition of the Agevity forum will be held at the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka at the end of June".
    This edition saw a significant participation from Japan, with speeches by Nobuhiro Hayashi, Vice President for International Affairs, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ryo Kawasaki, Professor of Public Health in the Department of Social Medicine of the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University and Yoshiyuki Sankai, Professor, University of Tsukuba, CEO of CYBERDYNE Inc., PD of SIP, Cabinet Office, the Government of Japan. Japan is a country that, together with ours, holds the record for the longest-lived population in the world and shares a particular attention to the dynamics linked to the phenomenon of the ageing society.
    In addition to the Commissioner General for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka Mario Vattani, also present were representatives of Parliament, the Ministry of Health, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Regions and Local Authorities, Universities, Industrial Associations and businesses, Hospitals and Research Centers and Third Sector Bodies, gathered in Milan, at Bocconi University, for a two-day event that stimulated dialogue on longevity to guide system initiatives in its support. (ANSA).

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