
Pivetti says 'only end of first half, never evaded taxes'

Curious to see explanation, I will appeal

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 26 - Former Lower House Speaker Irene Pivetti said after a court of first instance in Milan sentenced her to four year in jail for tax evasion that it was "just the end of the first half" and that she would appeal, confident in the knowledge that "I have never evaded taxes".
    The former League MP and youngest ever Speaker in 1994 said: "This is only the end of the first half. I wasn't expecting anything different. I'm curious to see the explanation of the ruling. We will appeal and I'm calm because I'm perfectly innocent. I've always paid taxes. But here the point of contention is to pass Pivetti off as a tax evader, which she isn't." (ANSA).

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