
'Church must be ashamed, seek forgiveness for abuse' - pope

King of Belgium urges pontiff to 'continue fight'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 27 - Pope Francis on Friday said the Church must be ashamed of the abuses committed against minors and seek forgiveness while trying to solve the problem, during a visit to Belgium where revelations of sexual abuse and cover-ups have severely affected the credibility of the Catholic Church.
    Abuses are a "shame which all of us today must take into our hands and seek forgiveness", said the pontiff in a speech to Belgian authorities in which he compared paedophiles in the Catholic Church to Herod.
    "The Church must be ashamed and seek forgiveness and try to solve this situation" so "these things won't happen anymore", Francis also noted.
    The theme of paedophilia was introduced by King Philippe of Belgium who addressed the pontiff acknowledging the "intransigence" with which he had denounced the "unspeakable tragedy of sexual abuse within the Church".
    "Children were horribly wounded, marked for life.
    "The same is true for victims of forced adoption", he noted in a reference to a scandal regarding thousands of forced adoptions by nuns between the 1950s and 1970s.
    The king recognized efforts made by the Church but asked that they continue to be "pursued with determination, relentlessly".

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