
Orsara, town of centenarians, to celebrate 104-year-old

Carmela Zullo is the oldest of the 2,000 local residents

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 27 - Orsara di Puglia, a little town of just over 2,000 residents near Foggia, is gearing up to celebrate one of its centenarians - the oldest member of its community Carmela Zullo.
    Zullo will turn 104 on November 11 and the town will be celebrating the event with her and her family - a tradition it keeps for its unusually high number of centenarians.
    Meanwhile, over the next few days, the little town in Puglia will be marking the birthdays of two other residents, great-grandmothers Luisa and Maria Anna, who will turn 100.
    And in January next year, Fedele and Maria Incoronata will be blowing 101 candles on their cakes.
    "Reaching and going beyond 100 years of life and doing it in good health is certainly an important and meaningful goal", Orsara Mayor Mario Simonelli said.
    "For many years, we have decided to celebrate the birthdays of centenarians who want to share an important moment not only for the person who is having the birthday but also for their family and for the entire community.
    "The role of elderly residents is very important in towns like ours", concluded the mayor. (ANSA).

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