
Steinmeier says to go to Marzabotto grateful,deep humility

German, Italian presidents to attend 80th anniversary ceremony

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 27 - German President Frank Walter Steinmeier told a press conference in Bellevue with President Sergio Mattarella Friday that he would attend an 80th anniversary service at the scene of the worst Nazi atrocity in WWII at Marzabotto in the Bolognese Appenines Sunday "grateful and with deep humility".
    Waffen SS troops killed at least 770 Italian civilians in the small village from September 29 to October 5 1944.
    It was the largest massacre of civilians committed by the Waffen SS in western Europe during the war. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the history of Italy.
    "I am grateful that we will go together with the Italian president to Marzabotto on Sunday and participate in the commemoration of the victims", said Stenimeier alongside visiting President Mattarella.
    "Eighty years ago a unit of the SS and Wehrmacht murdered hundreds of civilians in the small town in a brutal manner," he recalled.
    "The Marzabotto massacre is one of the many crimes of the SS and Wehrmacht committed in Italy.
    "Crimes that, as we know, left deep wounds in Italy.
    "I feel deep humility and gratitude that the Federal President of Germany can attend the commemoration of the victims of the crimes in Marzabotto." (ANSA).

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