
Neo-Nazi resurgence must be isolated, FPO excluded - Tajani

After Freedom Party victory in Austria

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 30 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Monday said Austria needs a government led by conservatives that excludes the Freedom Party (FPO) after it scored the first far-right national parliamentary election win in the country since World War II, ahead of the ruling conservative Austrian People's Party.
    Tajani said he thought a form of government led by conservatives that excludes the Freedom Party "is necessary" in Austria.
    "Political battles are always won at the centre to prevent right-wing and left-wing extremists from creating damage.
    "Any Neo-Nazi resurgence must be rejected", Tajani told Rainews a day after elections in Austria.
    "The far-right alone is never able to win, as we have seen in France", he noted. (ANSA).

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