
Major police operation cracks down on 'clans' of Inter-Milan ultra fans

Arrests on Mafia-style criminal association charges

++ Sgominati i 'clan' degli ultras di Inter e Milan, arresti ++

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 30 - Milan police flying squad and finance police early on Monday carried out dozens of arrests and seizures in a major operation against alleged clans of AC Milan and Inter football 'ultra' fans on a number of charges including criminal association, aggravated by the Mafia-style method, extortion and causing bodily harm.
    The suspects are 'ultra' fan leaders of the two football clubs in Milan who are allegedly implicated in businesses connected to the world of soccer, according to investigative sources.
    The suspects involved in the police operation include, among others, one of the leaders of Inter's 'ultra' fans, Marco Ferdico, who was very close to Antonio Bellocco, a member of the 'Ndrangheta crime syndicate who was allegedly killed on September 4 by Andrea Beretta, who is also a leader of Inter's fans and is currently detained on murder charges, the sources said Monday. Also involved are Luca Lucci, an 'ultra' leader of AC Milan previously convicted on drug charges who is known to the public for a photo taken in 2018 with then-deputy premier Matteo Salvini, who is today deputy premier and transport minister, at a party for the 50th anniversary of the 'Curva Sud' football fan club as well as Christian Rosiello, known as the bodyguard of rapper Fedez who was allegedly involved in an attack against personal trainer Cristiano Iovino earlier this year.
    Overall, 19 arrest and house arrest warrants were issued in Milan as part of the investigation carried out by police and finance police coordinated by the anti-Mafia DDA investigative unit of Milan's State attorney's office.
    The probe involved all the 'ultra' leaders of the two football clubs, investigators said, including Renato Bosetti, who became the new leader of Inter fans after Beretta's arrest for the murder of Bellocco, as well as 'ultra' fan Marco Ferdico.

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