
'Meddling inappropriate' says Foti over Austria election

FdI whip speaks after Tajani-Salvini sparred on 'Neo-Nazi' claim

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 1 - The Lower House whip of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, Tommaso Foti, on Tuesday slammed comments in Italy on the formation of a government in Austria after the Freedom Party (FPO) on Sunday scored the first far-right national parliamentary election win in the country since World War II, ahead of the ruling conservative Austrian People's Party.
    "It will be up to those elected in the Austrian Parliament to decide which majority they will want and I have always considered as inappropriate meddling, as far as Italy is concerned, when others wanted to suggest other forms of government", he noted.
    "I don't see why we should suggest who should govern in Austria", Foti told the Tagadà program on La7.
    On Monday, Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and right-wing League party leader Matteo Salvini said there was no danger of neo-Nazism rearing its head in Austria after Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Austria needs a government led by conservatives that excludes the Freedom Party (FPO).
    The Forza Italia (FI) leader noted that "neo-Nazi resurgence must be rejected". (ANSA).

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