(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 2 - Elisabetta Piccolotti, a lawmaker with
the opposition Green-Left Alliance (AVS), slammed a proposal
presented by League party MP Giovanna Miele on Wednesday at the
Lower House's culture committee to include the "Fascist and
rationalist architecture of Latina as a UNESCO world heritage
site, alongside the historic centres of Florence and Venice, the
Dolomites and other extraordinary locations of our country".
"What is the exceptional universal value, for the whole world,
that can be attributed to Palazzo M, which evoked the first
letter of the head of Fascism Mussolini, according to Miele?",
wondered Piccolotti, speaking about the building built between
1938 and 1942 in the Lazio city.
Its original Fascist name was Littoria, a referance to the
"lictors", the Roman troops who carried the bundles of fasces,
evoking the party's name, but was renamed Latina after WWII.
League's Latina proposal 'nostalgia op' says Piccolotti
'To list Fascist architecture as UNESCO world heritage site'