
Cop who killed young man risked 'lynching'

Car chase and fight before fatal shooting

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 7 - A police officer who shot dead a young man in Crotone after a car chase and a fight subsequently risked being lynched by a mob who punched and kicked him so hard he was hospitalised with serious injures, sources said Monday.
    The policeman reportedly reacted to an attack at the end of a chase, shooting the young man.
    According to an initial reconstruction, the chase began, for reasons currently being investigated, in Isola Capo Rizzuto, a town not far from Crotone.
    The eventual victim was in a car with his father and the policeman allegedly drove alongside them in his car.
    There ensued an attack by the two and a subsequent fight during which the officer fired his service weapon, killing the young man.
    The policeman then risked lynching by several people who kicked and punched him and hit him with a stick, causing serious injuries for which he was hospitalized in Crotone. (ANSA).

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