
'15 mn people to be hit by bonus measure' says Bonelli

AVS lawmaker cites Cresme study

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 9 - Green and Left Alliance (AVS) MP Angelo Bonelli, the spokesperson for Green Europe, said on Wednesday that the government would be taxing 15 million people after Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti announced the intention of revising land registry real estate valuations for those who had renovated property with a building bonus as one of the reforms included in the Structural Budget Plan.
    "The government is preparing to tax the homes of 15 million people, guilty of respecting laws and being virtuous in safeguarding the environment", said Bonelli.
    "Since 1998, the year of its institution by the first government of (Romano) Prodi, until today, at least 19 million tax payers have used building bonuses", said Bonelli, citing a study published recently by market research centre Cresme based on economy ministry data.
    "What is certain is that at least 15 million people will be affected by the property tax introduced by the Meloni government", added the AVS lawmaker, adding that some tax payers "could have presented more than one request" for a building bonus over the years. (ANSA).

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