(see related).
(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 14 - Inail said in its annual report on
Monday that it received 1,147 reports of fatal work-related
accidents in 2023, a drop of 9.
The national labour accidents and occupational illness agency
said it received over 590,000 reports of work-related accidents
in total last year.
It said 375.578 (64% of the reports) were recognized as actually
being work-related.
The agency said 18.1% of the accidents occurred outside the
company premises, so when the employee was working with a means
of transport or 'en route' to or from work.
It said it received over 72,000 reports of occupational diseases
last year, an increase of 19.8% compared to 2022. (ANSA).
Italy had fatal 1,147 work-related accidents in 2023
Inail reports 9.5% drop with respect to 2022