(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 14 - Several former close associates of
late Cosa Nostra superboss Matteo Messina Denaro were set to be
released Monday after their pre-trial custody terms ran out
after their sentences were cut on appeal.
Messina Denaro, 61, 'Cosa Nostra's last boss', died last
November after being caught after 30 years on the run in Palermo
in January 2023.
Monday's ruling was made by the Court of Appeal of Palermo,
which, on the indication of the Supreme Court and due to the
lack of the aggravating circumstance of "the economic
reinvestment of the proceeds of mafia activity," was called upon
to review the sentences for a series of mafia bosses and their
followers from Trapani, Messina Denaro's former fief. (ANSA).
Messina Denaro's men freed after custody terms expire
Several ex close aides of Mafia superboss terms cut on appeal