(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 16 - The Senate on Wednesday gave final
approval with 84 votes in favour, 58 against and no abstentions
to a bill making surrogacy a universal crime, even if it is
carried out abroad by Italian citizens.
The bill was previously greenlighted by the Lower House on July
26, 2023.
Opposition lawmakers, who voted against the measure, have
slammed it as "useless", "unconstitutional", and "against
children and same-sex couples".
In Italy, surrogacy has been illegal since 2004.
The measure makes gestation for others punishable by law even if
committed abroad, but only for Italian citizens.
Surrogacy became a hot topic under the right-ring government of
Premier Giorgia Meloni, whose Brothers of Italy (FdI) party
presented the legislation that allows the prosecution of
Italians who resort to using surrogate mothers in countries like
Spain and the US where it is legal, making it a "universal
crime". (ANSA).
Senate gives final OK to bill against surrogacy
Measure already approved by the Lower House becomes law