
Some 2.2 mn Italian households in absolute poverty - Istat

Incidence for families with at least one foreigner over 30%

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 17 - Just over 2.2 million households in Italy, 8. 4% of the total, were living in conditions of absolute poverty in 2023, Istat said in a report on Thursday.
    The national statistics agency said this was stable with respect to 2022.
    It added that the incidence of absolute poverty for families with at least one foreign member was 30.4%.
    It said the incidence for all-Italian households, on the other hand, was 6.3%.
    Istat said 5.7 million individuals, 9.7% of the population, were living in absolute poverty last year.
    This was also stable with respect to 2022 as was the figure for the proportion of families in relative poverty - 10.6%. (ANSA).

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