
Salvini calls for mobilization against 'politicized' judges

League party's federal council meets


Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 19 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini summoned on Saturday morning an urgent meeting of the federal council of his League party following the "attack against Italy and Italians by a politicized magistrature", the League said in a note.
    The meeting was organized one day after a hearing in the trial of League leader and former anti-migrant interior minister Salvini for allegedly abducting migrants as part of his controversial closed ports policy in 2019 and the decision of the special immigration unit of Rome's tribunal not to validate the detention of all 12 migrants who were taken Wednesday to a newly opened Italian hosting and repatriation centre in Gjader, Albania, on the grounds that their countries of provenance, Bangladesh and Egypt, are not safe.
    The note went on to say that, "over the coming days, the League will present in Italian municipalities motions to stress the need to defend borders, while on Saturday December 14 and on Sunday December 15 there will be gazebos in all Italian cities ahead of the Open Arms sentence scheduled in Palermo on December 20".
    According to Salvini, "those who don't allow to defend borders, endanger the country", it concluded. (ANSA).

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