
'Unprecedented tones, Nordio threatens sanctions' - ANM

President of judiciary's union 'astounded' by minister's words

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 20 - The President of the National Association of Magistrates (ANM) Giuseppe Santalucia on Sunday said he was "astounded" by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio's definition of a decision taken by a Rome court nixing the detention of 12 migrants at a new Italian-run hosting centre for migrants in Albania as "abnormal".
    "I am astounded that the justice minister uses this category of abnormity, which evokes for technicians potential disciplinary responsibilities, as if the minister intended to tell colleagues at the Rome court: 'if you don't proceed according to my wishes, those of the government, I am ready for disciplinary action", Santalucia told Skytg 24.
    "This is the meaning of recalling the category of abnormality.
    "In this incendiary climate, I am strongly concerned because I notice aggressive tones against the work of the judiciary which are unprecedented", he added, calling on "everyone to use reason and here reason is for the law to be implemented for everybody".
    The special immigration unit of Rome's tribunal on Friday ruled not to validate the detention of the migrants at the newly opened centres in Albania on the grounds that the 12 foreigners hailed from two countries, Bangladesh and Egypt, which are not safe, agreeing with a European Court of Justice verdict issued earlier this month.
    "The judiciary does not have political tasks but must respect the rights and guarantees of people, not only citizens but all individuals who come into contact with our political and juridical community, without concerning itself with the political programs of the government in office", added Santalucia. (ANSA).

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