(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 22 - All magistrates in the judiciary's
self-governing body, the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM),
who are members of three factions - the left-wing Area and
Magistratura Democratica (MD) and the centrist Unicost - as well
as independents Roberto Fontana and Andrea Mirenda, with the
exception of members of conservative faction Magistratura
Indipendente (MI), on Tuesday requested to open a special
procedure to protect the independence and autonomy of judges
after a decision by the immigration section of Rome's court to
nix the detention of migrants at new Italian-run centres in
Albania was slammed by cabinet members.
"Criticism against decisions taken by the judiciary cannot go
beyond the dutiful respect for magistrates", according to the
document drafted by 16 CSM members stemming from the judiciary,
the majority.
The document in particular cited "statements over the past few
hours by important representatives of institutions" that
"unjustifiably discredit magistrates", it said.
The petition was also signed by three 'lay' councillors of CSM
who are elected by Parliament - Ernesto Carbone (representing
Italia Viva), Michele Papa (Five-Star Movement, M5S) and Roberto
Romboli (Democratic Party, PD). (ANSA).
CSM majority requests protection for Albania migrant judges
3 magistrates' factions denounce 'grave criticism' of institutions